Friday, November 20, 2009

What's In A Name

A lot of people have asked me about how we chose Brecken Andrew. In May, we visited Colorado and the ski town of Breckenridge. I was about 14 weeks pregnant at the time and we used the travel time to look through a baby name book. We saw the name Brecken and probably would have passed right over it if we hadn't just been to Breckenridge, but we thought it was neat and so it made the list. Then through the process of elimination over the next few months, it finally made the cut! We chose Andrew as a middle name because we liked the meaning: "manly and brave." We decided on Brecken Andrew when we were on our Babymoon in Florida just a few weeks before Brecken was born. Though it took us a long time to narrow it down and decide, we both love the name Brecken Andrew and think it suits him perfectly!

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